Starting the journey: Companies collaborate for beef sustainability at scale

Briefing or opinion
Research report

Published October 2023 by CDP, Proforest and Tropical Forest Alliance. Authored by Monteiro, É. , Aurora, L. , Monteiro, L., Bovee, V. and Arceo, N. M. P.


This report explores how and why midstream and downstream companies have taken landscape-scale action in beef producing areas. The research found that these companies are collaborating in beef landscapes to prevent deforestation in the Amazon and conversion in the Cerrado biome as well as to include smallholders and indirect suppliers. The study finds that 5 downstream and midstream companies are taking landscape-scale action across 7 landscape and jurisdictional initiatives in beef producing areas. All seven landscape initiatives identified in the study as being supported by downstream and midstream companies are in cattle production regions in the Amazon or Cerrado in Brazil.
Research detail

Starting the journey: Companies collaborate for beef sustainability at scale

Briefing or opinion
Research report

Published October 2023 by CDP, Proforest and Tropical Forest Alliance. Authored by Monteiro, É. , Aurora, L. , Monteiro, L., Bovee, V. and Arceo, N. M. P.

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