Living Income: Insights, evidence and collective action (webinar)

Briefing or opinion

Published December 2023.


The Living Income movement has been steadily gaining momentum, leading to the development of a diverse range of initiatives and programmes. This growing interest is driven by the desire to enhance our understanding of how to increase farmers’ incomes and refine both the design and implementation of effective interventions. This event, led by Evidensia in partnership with the Living Income Community of Practice (LICOP) and hosted by the UNDP Food And Agricultural Commodity Systems, focused on the latest findings to explore what is effectively increasing incomes.

During the 60-minute session, the LICOP and other experts shared the latest learnings from living income programmes presented during their recent action learning workshop in Côte d’Ivoire within the context of the dynamic West African cocoa sector. In addition, the event was an opportunity to introduce powerful research platforms such as the Knowledge Platform for Inclusive and Sustainable Food Markets (KISM) and Evidensia that can aid the advancement of effective living income programmes.

Speakers: Rita Mendez | Associate Manager, Impacts and Innovations | ISEAL Yuca Waarts | Senior Researcher, Sustainable Value Chains | Wageningen University Ilaria Ida Walton | Global Socioeconomic Impact Lead | Mars Christina Archer | Senior Private Sector Advisor | Sustainable Food Lab